On the CrispyDoc BlogRoll!!! I’m a Physician Personal Finance Blogger. – Dr. Plastic Picker

On the CrispyDoc BlogRoll!!! I’m a Physician Personal Finance Blogger.

| Posted in Personal Finance Blog - Financially Free to Save the Earth (FISE)

Yes I did it. If there was ever anyone who annoints who is a Physician Personal Finance Blogger, it is CrispyDoc https://www.crispydoc.com/physician-finance-bloggers/. Honestly, I had no idea who this person was until last week when I was on Dr. McFrugal’s website. But I’ve now wandered over to CrispyDoc’s blog and I enjoy his well written posts. I asked to be included on his blogroll of 50 something odd Physician Personal Finance Bloggers, and he has agreed. I haven’t seen my blog name up though, so I have to keep on checking back. I’m pretty sure I’m the only litter picker among them though who makes trash art? I wonder if he would like me to mail him one of my anti-vaping trash art pieces? He’s an ED doctor and I’m sure he hates vaping as much as I do. They are such toxic things.

CrispyDoc I think is the same age as Mr. Plastic Picker and myself. I wonder if we went to medical school together? He probably went to school in California. I do appreciate CrispyDoc including me in his blogroll, as now I can comment about fun personal finance stuff but more importantly get the plastic picking message to a new audience. I think just seeing my handle @drplasticpicker makes people sit back and pause. Hopefully they pause and think twice about buying a single-use water bottle.

And that is it. That is the big development of the day. I was actually feeling a bit irate last night after Crispy Doc’s initial reply to my comment, as I felt it was slightly scolding and mansplaining. In retrospect I know that it was not. But I felt that way at that instant, and had discussed my bombastic comment on his blog to the kids and my attempt to get onto the blogroll. It lead to a difficult conservation with the children about kindness, and them reminding me that I need to model kindness and decorum. Then I received some semi-annoying emails from work about adding physicals to our after hours clinics, and I replied back

I’ve thought about this too. The weekends are busy. Weekdays is that since we are litterally in the middle of a pandemic, I can’t even predict the next day. It’s picking up. If xx is on and someone is cancellable, I’m cancelling them for budget. How about we wait until after this weekend and let me look at the numbers on Sunday and let you guys know? Honestly, I’m so sick of AHC and staffing. No one fiddles with the availablility of other shifts and clinic appointment types. Can we wait?”

Between CrispyDoc’s comment which I took as a quiet rebuke of my bombastic comment and the annoying reoccurance of this thorn in my side which is the pediatric after hours clinic, I was beyond frustrated yesterday. Mr. Plastic Picker was working an extra shift from home and went upstairs to his home reading room. The kids were settled into the virtual summer camp work assignments. And I decided to go for a plogging run to the beach at sunset.

With my mask and keeping away from the crowded sections, it was a beautiful sunset last night as I picked up a small bag of ocean bound plastic – mostly flimsy bags. I felt the world was beautiful and I was beautiful yesterday. I had cleaned a bit of the earth and maybe my arteries were clean as well as I had gotten my heart rate up a bit. And this is the sunset last night on the night I found out I had been included on CrispyDoc’s blogroll and had been gently schooled by my children to be kinder and more humble. Like I wrote in a blogpost from a few weeks ago, that in nature I hear forgiveness https://drplasticpicker.com/can-you-hear-it-its-nature-and-forgiveness/. And this morning is a new day and I don’t have to go to work until 11am. I will work the later start staggered shift which is the Pediatric After Hours Clinic. Because I am a middle manager, and I helped fixed the nonsensical scheduling and staffing system of old because I have to live and work in it as well. And I helped fix it for you, my fellow colleagues, and for myself. Just like I pick up litter, for the turtles, and for myself. I like to walk along a beach that is clean. Please try to pick up a few pieces for me. CrispyDoc?

The sunset last night.

Click here to read about when I put in my initial request to CrispyDoc, and the Personal Finance part of the blog https://drplasticpicker.com/the-road-to-fise-financial-independence-to-save-the-earth/

Update: We made it! Click here to see that Dr. Plastic Picker is #39 of 60 Physician Personal Finance Bloggers. https://www.crispydoc.com/physician-finance-bloggers/

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