This site was created for the purpose of entertainment and information sharing only. Content on this site is based on my experiences and personal opinions, which may not apply to you as an individual.
The opinions on my blog are mine, and mine alone. My opinions and statements do not represent my employer or any organization that I might be affiliated with.
Information on this site should not be seen as advice, such as medical, legal, financial, or any other types of advice. Please consult licensed professionals for assistance in any specific area of concern.
While I am a pediatrician, I offer only general advice about life that should not be construed as professional medical advice. Any content that is related to medicine and health should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please consult your own physician or health care professional before taking any action.
All comments are moderated by me, the primary author and editor. I reserve the right to omit or delete comments that I deem inappropriate.
This site does not collect any personal information, except standard data and web traffic logs collected by Google Analytics and our server.
This site will never sell or voluntarily disclose any personal information to a third party, unless required by law.