The World is a Bit of A Mess: So I Hang Out with San Diego Audubon – Dr. Plastic Picker

The World is a Bit of A Mess: So I Hang Out with San Diego Audubon

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Beautiful cards from Audubon.

May 25, 2024

by Dr. Plastic Picker

It’s amazing how many climate projects our family is involved with or has donated to or a part of. Some of them are more controversial and not everyone agrees with how to decarbonize, so I don’t want to hurt folks feelings and don’t share some of it. And some of them are because of personal connections that are so complicated but innocent, that I only tell close friends. Being emmeshed in climate work locally has been a wonderful thing. I feel so connected and loved, and I’m able to give forth love.

And that’s what our family felt yesterday. We have been embraced and we embrace the wonderful people at the San Diego Audubon Society. We went as a family to their 75th anniversary gala. Mostly I’ve been working with San Diego Audubon by bringing a healthcare voice to the Rewild Mission Bay work. But under that umbrella, met so many wonderful organizations and amazing conservationists and climate minded people. When you fight for something you love together, it brings you closer to really wonderful people.

There were so many wonderful people there yesterday. And we are so grateful we went.

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