BLOGROLL: 15 SITES I FOLLOW! – Dr. Plastic Picker


My “Don Quixote” trashart piece. I really like it.

List of bloggers I follow, which are mostly personal finance bloggers. I have recently been introduced to some newer bloggers and am enjoying following their journey as well.

  1. Len Penzo. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon his blog. He was one of the top personal finance bloggers at some point. He is still very active and has a very off-beat sense of humour. He calls me Dr. P in his blog when I reply. An aerospace engineer and fellow Californian.
  2. Retireby40. I really enjoyed reading Joe’s journey a decade ago. I realized after talking to a medical school friend about 5 years ago, that he is the older brother of one of our classmates. He has been blogging for a long time and seemed not as engaged, but recently I have really enjoyed his posts again. I probably comment too much on his blog and I’m sure it seems annoying. He’s like an older brother that is annoyed and reminds me of my older brother LOL. My older brother also does not respond to me
  3. Dr. McFrugal. I happened upon his blog through Retireby40. This is one talented and inspirational family. I really enjoy watching their journey. They live a very low waste life and are vegan
  4. Eat Sleep Breathe FI. Canadian Personal Finance blogger who is a mom, which I find powerful. She exudes happiness and positivity which is so important
  5. Life At Anchor. “As a military spouse, our family is constantly moving from one duty station to the next.  But when life lets us drop anchor (even if for a little bit), we try to embrace the moment and create memories.” Plus it’s my little sister’s blog and it’s a beautiful passion project
  6. Mr. Money Mustache. He is probably the most popular of the FIRE bloggers and has some good posts about how to think about money
  7. Doc Mom Inspired. A fellow pediatrician and friend who is FIREd up in life and Inspired! She is spreading that inspiration to others. Plus she interviewed me on her blog! Who doesn’t like to be the center of attention? LOL
  8. Crispydoc. No he isn’t a type of fried chicken. He is physician personal finance blogger. Crispydoc put me on his blogroll, and I put him on mine. He’s actually a prolific and funny writer. Getting onto his blogroll required me to bare my soul, and caused a painful conversation with my children about my own arrogance. Anyway, it was worth it – since I get a decent amount of traffic from his blog. More importantly I get to spread my message of environmentalism to other physicians. His writing is actually pretty good.

But otherwise I stop by mostly environmental websites to keep on with climate change work.

11. Rainforest Trust. I donate mostly to here and regularly check in at their website

12. Eden Reforestration Project and Ecosia Blog.

13. Yale 360. Published at the Yale School of Environment. There are lots of good environmental articles.

14. San Diego Pediatricians for Clean Air . That’s our official public-facing advocacy group. Check it out! We are really proud.

15. Climate Actions Campaign (CAC) . That’s also a group I’m committed too. More local actions, but check them out!