Chocolate Desert Hummus Spread: Did you say Chocolate? It’s Vegan? I’m In! – Dr. Plastic Picker

Chocolate Desert Hummus Spread: Did you say Chocolate? It’s Vegan? I’m In!

| Posted in A to Z: Dr. Plastic Picker's Less Plastic More Plants Cookbook for Kids!, Vegan Dreams - Less plastic, More plants, More Fiber

$1 when made at home versus $3.50-$10 store bought

February 15, 2021

by drplasticpicker

Yes, this happened yesterday. I made chocolate hummus spread and also a jar of homemade peanut butter. I had texted one of our other pediatricians yesterday calling her off from weekend after hours clinic, and she texted me a picture of the special breakfast she was making for her family which including waffles with this delicious spread. I was intrigued. Hers was store bought which runs around $3.50 to $10 per container. My primary motivation is to reduce our plastic packaging and palm oil and most store-bought things contain both. It’s been fun to try to make more things at home, and it’s been so delicious. What I didn’t realize that after breakfast with this chocolate goodness topped on a banana, I would feel so full for most of the day.

Try it! I promise you that you won’t be disappointed. I put half the sugar that the recipe called for and it was still delicious. Our tween daughter, my parents in law, Mr. Plastic Picker and our teen son all gave it a thumbs up.

Everything pretty in the hand blender. My secret is that I added in Peruvian cacao husks that I had from Peru. I treasure this ingredient now.



  • 1 can of garbanzo beans, pour out the water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
  • 3 Tbsp water (optional)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (I put 1/4 cup to reduce the sugar) or whatever sweetener you want!
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut buttter
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. In a blender or in a food processor, combine everything! That’s it! You can adjust the olive oil and water to taste.
combine combine combine

It was so delicious and filling, and I wasn’t hungry until 2pm. For breakfast I just topped a sliced bananas with this spread. Plus you get to reuse a glass jar! Or in our case 3 because I made double portions and also made some peanut butter since my blender was already needed washing. So why not? Best to combine home-made food vegan tasks. Sending you Monday Dr. Plastic Picker Chocolate Desert Hummus Hugs! I’m on an environmental roll this morning and knocking out work and planet projects. It’s a vacation day, but there is no vacation from drying to stop climate change. Isn’t it amazing that making chocolate desert hummus and eating this delicious concoction is a way to save the earth too???!!! Blows my mind when I realized that saving our health and saving the earth goes hand in hand.

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