Way of the Whimbrel
November 16, 2019
An original poem by drplasticpicker
my name is Whimbrel
my beak is long and slightly curved downward with a black streak
follow me, follow me drplasticpicker
the other humans, they walk by and do not know me
but i am the Whimbrel, and i am endangered
i am walking along the kelp
look down, peck, look down, peck, peck, peck
is there food drplasticpicker? yes the Pachamama has given me food
but there is also plastic drplasticpicker. PLASTIC!!!
THE PLASTIC FILLS MY GUT AND STARVES ME like Kwashiorkor in you humans
you see how I swallowed that big white blob whole down into my gullet, that is how plastic gets into my internal organs.
pick fast drplasticpicker drplasticpicker
you follow in my footsteps trying to take a picture of me, but I waddle away
i waddle away because there is a pitbull walking by with it’s owner, i hope it does not poop in the ocean and kill the otters with toxoplasmosis. oh human I know you think only cats have toxoplasmosis but i think dogs have it too
here is my excrement drplasticpicker for you to remember me
Want to read more of my shorebird inspired poetry, check here https://drplasticpicker.com/we-are-tired-we-marbled-godwits-the-dogs-gave-chase/ and https://drplasticpicker.com/platyrhinoidis-triseriata-thornback-guitarfish-dead/
4 thoughts on “Way of the Whimbrel”
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