Guest Blogger Coming Soon!!! Continuing a tradition of gratitude and mentorship. – Dr. Plastic Picker

Guest Blogger Coming Soon!!! Continuing a tradition of gratitude and mentorship.

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I feel grateful for the mentorship I have received!

February 11, 2020

by drplasticpicker

I have felt grateful for many things. I am grateful to have been raised by two loving parents, who raised me with an abundance of kindness and genorosity. I am grateful to have been a voracious reader as a child and now can call myself a real blogger! My own grandmother was rich in heart and family but poor in monetary wealth and unable to read in her native language. I am grateful to have had dedicated teachers especially in our high school’s IB Program

There is an emerging medical literature on the power of gratitude. In fact, at one of our big corporate meetings they spoke about gratitude exercises and gave us the book above

For me, the lessons on gratitude are innate. It comes naturally. That is just how I think. For many, it really is similar to the power of prayer. It brings to mind the passages from the Christian Bible Luke 12:48 “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” 

And that is why I will go plastic picking tomorrow morning. And that is why, I am happy to announce that @drplasticpicker will be joined by an amazing young high school guest blogger from half-way around the world.

I have in my computer files letters of recommendations and resumes that I have edited of amazing students that have been my advisees. Vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologist, pediatricians, historians, attorneys. I have former patients that are now members of our Air Force, Army, veternarian techs and productive members of our society. And now @drplasticpicker is grateful to be the host to a budding young environmental blogger! So stay tuned @drplasticpicker fans! Guest blogger will be coming very very soon. This journey of saving our planet needs us linked together including on this internet blogsphere of @drplasticpicker !!! And yes, I am ever the responsible pediatrician and our young writer has his parent’s permission.

Pair of cute kid’s sandals I found early on this journey. Donated to Goodwill.

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