Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot: I CAN FLY!!! – Dr. Plastic Picker

Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot: I CAN FLY!!!

| Posted in Climate Advocacy (AAP/Climate Reality/ClimateHealthNOW), Trash Art

Mr. Plastic Picker thinks she looks like Rosie from the Jetsons!

December 10, 2020

by drplasticpicker

Dr. Plastic Picker is under attack! Yes my blogsite is under attack by a random brute force attack outside of the US (actually it looks like France). I was very upset about this, but I did more research and talked to my brother (also voluntary web consultant). I learned that this is just a random brute force attack. The danger is that getting into our site they could infect others. But Dr. Plastic Picker when I am attacked, I WAKE UP!!! I started researching online about how to parry this attack and made some simple changes. I’ve made some changes to increase the integrity of this site. And in the end, what are you attackers from France going to gain? This site is about picking up trash and I don’t store any data. But I do have my beloved blogs I’ve written, so I’ll work in the next few weeks to back everything up. This attack made me so mad, but I guess it was meant to be because I WOKE UP EARLY TO PROTECT MY SITE and I also did more environmental work because of it.

Above is the picture of my newest trash art piece which is primarily made from collected ocean beach plastic waste. It’s Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot. I really really like her. She has wings and she can fly. I have a video on my personal facebook page where she is flying. Her superpower is that if you try to attack her and destroy her, she is made out of formerally discarded beach plastic waste anyway – so I can just hot glue gun another piece to her. For every obstacle she confronts, she will change and emerge different but stronger. Glue is cheap people.

So this morning the making of Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot is working on strengthening my blogsite, but also touching base with all the students I have in my life.

  1. Crimson University College Interviews: I have two students I will interview next week. Meeting times set. I just have to figure out how to send a zoom invite? That’s okay. I’ll ask my teen son. I’ve been interviewing students for 12 years now. I used to do more. I’m limiting myself to 2-4 students this year.
  2. VCU Sustainable Healthcare Project: These students are great. I’m their voluntary spiritual advisor from across the country. They are now connected with climate advocates in healthcare closer to their actual physical school. But I really care about them. I know they care about the earth. It’s interesting. I’m completely honest here. I have no agenda other than helping students and helping the earth. I don’t need the professional accolades and don’t see students as cheap labour. I’m here to protect them and help them. I think I need to stay involved with this group, just so that others know Dr. Plastic Picker has their back! Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot to the rescue!!!
  3. Teen Patient Toy Drive: One of my teen patients organized a toy drive for the needy families in our school district. I am so proud of her for various reasons. I posted on my personal facebook group, and will pick up puzzles at Costco to donate. They are non-plastic.
  4. UC Berkeley Premedical Student: Another wonderful premedical student approached me about working on a small project. I emailed her some suggestions. There is always more climate work to do. I leave it up to the students in terms of their own initiative. We’ll see where she takes this. I always refer the students back to their own premedical advisors in their unviersities.
  5. AAP Premed Intern: One of our primary interns is doing a great job. I had to reply to him regarding some questios about projects and applications.
  6. Art Project: I will talk to Dr. AF. We really need to get this website up. The Children’s Art Council needs some adults to step up. I need to walk by the hallway of a ceratin pediatrician , and ask him if the website is up. Which reminds me to send an email to the other AAP Premed Intern, to start sorting out which MDs will judge which categories.

Thank you for following along as I organized all the work I was trying to do to help our youth. Okay, back to actual HMO work which is related as well. I really love my new Cyborg Bunny Frog Robot. Mr. Plastic Picker says I need to share them with the kids. I’ll bring them into clinic. Honestly I’d be more than happy to keep her, but I’m pretty sure someone is going to want to take her home. Which means I have to get to the beach, and find more stuff!!!

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