Winning? Losing? We just need to PLAY #fightfor1point5

June 7, 2022
by Dr. Plastic Picker
I’m watching this current K-drama that I told my friend Dr. Sandra Gee about. She’s my green pediatric climate friend up in University of Rochester. It’s about an alien that arrived to Earth specifically Korean 400 years ago during the Joseon era. He stays for 400 years because he was stranded due to his fated love, who dies with arrows in her back as she sacrifices herself for him. Of course he is a very handsome alien of the Korean-persuasian. And now he is in our modern time, ready to leave earth 400 years later but waylaid by the reincarnation of his fated love who is now an A-list Korean actress.
The current K-drama is kind of silly, but I like it and I get to learn new korean words and rewatch scenes as I practice the conversations. This sillier K-drama works for me, because it’s not as addictive as the really excellent ones like “Descendents of the Sun” or “Reply 1988.” Those were really really good, just good story telling and better than anything I’ve seen in English. The non-addictive nature of the current K-drama is really good for me, because I went to bed on time and now I’m up blogging. The blog traffic is really going up. I’m not sure who is reading but it’s just me – Dr. Plastic Picker, former Assistant Boss and now just almost full time (technically 80% time) pediatrician doing volunteer climate work outside and showing up where I should.
배구 is volleyball in Korean, and our daughter has won a lot of her volleyball games. We spent most of the weekend watching her volleyball championship tournament and cheering on our son (from the parking lot) as he did his final try at his SATs. We are cheering them both on to win.

But it’s so true what I tell my children, most of life is just showing up. Most of life is just being in the game. And I’m trying to remind everyone the epic battle out there is the battle for out planet. It’s nice to win and it’s not as fun to lose. I’m continuing to show up for the earth this week. I’m rested today and have half a day of clinic, so will spend most of the afternoon furthering climate projects. Yesterday I continued to try to organize the youth and arts exhibition on climate change #WeBorrowTheEarthFromOurChildren to expand it to New York, Oregon and all of California. I’ll send the single-use plastics organizing email and CME email today. I have a call with our Vice-Chair of the Public Health Advisory Council for Climate Actions Campaign, to touch base. I need to figure out finally how to really use a google drive. For us older folks, which I think was echoed by Dr. Sandra Gee when we met at Pediatric Academic Societieis, the google drive thing is very confusing. Did you know that the young kids these days don’t even use Word? It blows my mind.
But there were two beautiful endings yestserday. Endings at least for us at San Diego Pediatricians for Clean Air. The leaded aviation fuel pollution project is essentially done. It looks like the budget allocation for the fuel tank will stay in the budget. We heard yesterday from our partner at Montgomgery Gibbs Environmental Coalition in a very touching email. It had been their Executive Director’s passion project for four years, and she finally had closure. And she thanked us for helping her get this project across the finish line and she was ready to move on. Being part of her activist narrative and helping someone who had seen this injustice and helping her remedy it, has been an unexpected serendipitous joy I never would have imagined possible. To touch another human heart by showing up and helping them, is an honor. Then Mayor Todd Gloria signed the SAAFE Act that bans flavors from vapes in San Diego City. The politicians all patted themselves on their backs and well they should. They did good for politicians. But on the activist side, our team did really well. I am so proud of us. Our team made sure that at each event, each publication that needed a medical voice – a pediatrician was there. It’s done now. Two big projects done.
We are moving onto the arts project, wetlands and wellness, and pension fossil fuel divestments. These are huge. But it has to get done. We all just have to show up first. And thank goodness the current K-drama is about a handsome alien that has been in Korea for 400 years, because if it was something more addictive – I’d be binge-watching that instead of doing climate work.
Look how silly I am? And look how much I can still get done? I am sure most of you reading are less silly then I am, and I invite you to work on climate with me. I don’t know if we’ll make it. But I know that you’ll meet really nice people and have fun with me as we try to save the earth.
Article we wrote about 6 months ago has now been downloaded 451 times. Now that’s impactful!!!