Sometimes This Climate Journey Seems Like A Movie: I forget that I’m part of this story too. – Dr. Plastic Picker

Sometimes This Climate Journey Seems Like A Movie: I forget that I’m part of this story too.

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I forgot that I was there too.

January 16, 2025

by Dr. Plastic Picker

It’s 5:48am and I’m sitting with my mother-in-law in the kitchen. I’ve been her daughter-in-law now over 20 years. She’s weak but feeling better. She was just discharged from the HMO hospital after having minor surgery and will have major surgery soon. She’s well over 80 and if you know me in real life, I’ve shared some of the details. But we are all together under one roof and for now we are safe. There are wildfires raging in Los Angeles, and many of us in the climate advocacy space are of the “I told you so” or at least I am. Not to the unfortunate victims of the fossil-fuel driven wildfires, but to the general world. Someone asked me at work “why do you think these fires happened” and I said “fossil fuels and climate change.” I said the same thing to the HMO social media person that I met yesterday and hugged. We filmed some segments that will air soon, hopefully to reach our patients and prepare them if the wildfires spread further south where we are.

But for now, we are together and safe. My daughter will be up soon in about an hour. I forgot she asked me to wake her earlier so she can shower this morning. She’s a junior in high school and too pretty for her own good, but studious and focused on her exams and getting ready to apply to college next year. My son is sleeping in his bed and in his room, that has a Cal flagged hanging proudly over the doorway. He’s headed back to Berkeley in a few days time, but that is a lifetime from now. I have this afternoon with him, and I’ll soak in those hours and bathe in his attention. I love him very much and shared him with his grandmother when he was little, and now I get him to myself for the afternoon.

Loving something fully is sharing. It took me so long to realize that. If you love someone fully and in a healthy way, they will come back to you. That is why I pour so much love into this work on protecting the climate for our children. Because it will come back. It will always come back.

And I found this picture from this long journey of mine. And I forgot on that night when I decided to love another family, that I was there too. I know it will come back to me. It’s already helped save so many lives. When I think about how many, it’s overwhelming. How can you not believe in fate when that happens? And that is true for so many of you that I’ve met on this journey. We have been trying to save current lives and future lives.

And in the end, I’m a doctor and a pediatrician. And that is fundamentally who I am.

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