Oregon Farm: Random Things I’m Trying To Now Get a Deal On!!!

June 8, 2021
by drplasticpicker
I think we are waiting for the home inspection this week on our Oregon farm? Until paperwork is signed and funds are transferred, things can change. But for now, things are proceeding as planned. I’m wondering if I can go up the week that I’m planning and am free in a few days? We have the week off but my family member already has plans to go with friends. On this 197 acre property, I’m not sure there is room for us even though we co-own the place? We may be able just to pick up a tent on the way up and sleep in the tent. I think there is room as the house is 3000 SF. It will be fun. Let me check how much the flights are right now. Now sure if we will drive versus fly for the first time? The flights right now are about $400 a piece and it’s at least a 5 hour flight. Considering the time it takes to drive from the airport about 2 hours, and then wait at the airport about 2 hours – honestly 9 hours? We might as well just drive up. It’s better for the environment and cheaper and we can bring out stuff up. Maybe we can drive the KIA up. Eventhough it’s gas, it’s less carbon than flying the entire family up there.
It’s fun thinking about the logistics of our theoretical Oregon farm that is becoming real by the day. My father tried to buy me out of the property but I stood firm, I really want this one. This one is my retirement home, my doomsday bunker, and it’s the property of my dreams. Honestly, I think when we go up there we should go up when we have a solid week and just drive up. Mr. Plastic Picker loves driving and I would like to drive outside of San Diego on straight roads. In our KIA and our other cars, I could do it. Eventually we’ll need to get an electric vehicle that can make it up there. We are not there yet.
- YURT: I would like to live in a yurt. Mr. Plastic Picker is Korean which is more closely related to Central Asians. Yurts are the traditional homes of the Mongolian nomadic people. A 26 foot hurt with 7 inch walls from groovyyurts which are made in Mongoia cost about $15,000. According to the ad “Used as home or a bistro it is a more permanent yurt, the 7- wall is still efficient with 2 layers of felt when living in cold climate. Beautiful proportions if you need the extra space. 7- walls and larger yurts take a lot more to set-up and move around. The dome itself is 8’ diameter and supported by 4 central poles (bagaans). Its higher walls will allow 15 people to practice yoga with standing positions.” https://groovyyurts.com/7-walls-26in-yurt/ It can be used as a cool event space, or to sleep large groups if we are doing some sort of retreat. It can be used for yoga.
- COMPOSTING TOILET: Looks like there are high end composting toilets I can use with the yurt. I think we should splurge on a nice composting toilet. There is “Nature’s Head Self Contained Composting Toilet with Close Quarters Spider Handle Design” and it runs about $960. “this toilet doesn’t have the foul odors associated with all other holding tank systems. The low volume air circulation fan built into the head provides the added benefit of recycling the air in your bathroom which helps make your whole environment smell better. Because it was originally designed for marine use, its rugged design and materials (all stainless hardware) it has been proven to be extremely durable no matter what your environment.” I think Mr. Plastic Picker will like this. This is just for when we or guest are sleeping in the yurt and don’t want to trek to the main house that has a normal house with 3 bathrooms.
- GRAPE VINES FOR OUR VINEYARD: One of my family members wants to start a vineyard. I’m not sure why? Most of us don’t even drink that much. But I just looked up that Southern Oregon grapevines require less water. And one grapevine costs about $12. I think we can sell the grapes to people who actually make the vine. I think we would be considered a “Hobby Vineyard.” We’ll just put a sign up and call ourselves a vineyard. Vivi’s Vineyard. But I don’t want her to drink either? Maybe Vivi’s Farm is better.
- GLAMPING TENT: Wow I just found something better than the yurt. You can get this Outdoor Cotton Canvas Outdoor Tent for under $500. It’s kind of yurt like. Mayne we’ll start with this first.

It’s almost 7am and I’ve fun just exploring on things we may or may noy buy if we close or do-not close on the Oregon farm. I guess I don’t have to get the yurt right away. I definitely want to get the yurt eventually. There is a actual nice 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house on the property too with a full chef’s kitchen.