Luis Castellanos MD, MPH for the Prebys Foundation Leadership Award – Dr. Plastic Picker

Luis Castellanos MD, MPH for the Prebys Foundation Leadership Award

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My friend and someone I greatly admire.

August 11, 2024

My good friend and collaborator Dr. Luis Castellanos is at his house this morning, and he is living his life with his family. Being a husband and father. Mr. Plastic Picker and I are in our house, and my radiologist husband had to run out unexpectedly and will work all day at the HMO covering the hospital because of a sick call. He’s going to be “paid back” supposedly, but I never believe that. He’ll make extra money, but it’s money that we don’t need because we are FISE – Financially Independent to Save the Earth (it’s a phrase I tried to make a thing a few years ago). And another friend is nearby in another coastal city, and they have left the practice of medicine essentially. And here I am, Dr. Plastic Picker often collaborating with my friend Dr. Luis Castellanos on trying to save the earth. We have our upcoming H3SD 2024 San Diego’s Heat and Human Health Summit in less than a week at UC San Diego School of Medicine. What amazes me, that at some point we were all first year medical students together, in patient doctor 1 and just learning how to examine a patient. And now we are trying to resuscitate the planet.

But here I wanted to share with the readership the nomination we sent on behalf of my good friend Dr. Luis Castellanos for the Prebys Foundation Leadership Award. It’s a big prize and funds that he will put to good use to help address global heating and health, and address health disparities in San Diego County. Even if we don’t get it, the combined forces of our medical community will keep on trying to resuscitate the planet. And still be normal clinical doctors in pediatrics, cardiology and radiology.

Please send us good thoughts and we hope he is honored in November.

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