I was going to spill the beans!!! But I’m just going to recruit for H3SD – Dr. Plastic Picker

I was going to spill the beans!!! But I’m just going to recruit for H3SD

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January 30, 2025

by Dr. Plastic Picker

I was going to 100% spill the beans! But I decided the averting climatic disaster and the love story within a love story goes on! So I DID NOT SPILL THE BEANS in “Confessions of a Pediatric Plastic Picker”! If you don’t know about the beans, then you probably don’t know me in real life because I’m constantly yapping about it. I honestly think everyone in clinic does not want to hear the beans anymore, but different ending possible scenarios still amuse me.

But instead, I am still going to give my talk at UC San Diego School of Medicine today with my good friend and collaborator Dr. Luis Castellanos. I am delivering my fourth talk at the medical school, and this yearly lecture really centers me and gives me direction for the year. Mostly I need to meet his medical students and interest them, and recruit them to help with H3SD San Diego’s Heat and Human Health Summit. I’m 50 slides into the talk and it’s way too long already. But I still have hours left to work on it. I’m having the hydrogen blending team call into from Orange County and UC Berkeley, and they will be presenting on their project.

It’s going to be a really long day in general today. My mother-in-law is recovering form major bypass surgery and I have a sick day to help with her care. I also have a lot of climate emailing to do and organizing. Our daughter is busy with her life, and was a bit overstrung last night. I hope the artists talk she is giving tonight at the Harvard Club of San Diego goes well? I’m not sure if that is the right decision, but it’s an opportunity and it’s important to take risks to grow. Failing is okay. Failing is an opportunity to grow. But it’s hard to explain that to a 16 year old girl.

Okay. I just wanted to type some stuff on the blog behind diving back to my power point to make it more coherent. I hope this short note finds everyone well.

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