February 2022 Plastic Picking Totals!!! #643 LIFETIME TOTAL!!!
March 5, 2022
by Dr. Plastic Picker
Good Saturday Morning Dear Readers!!! It’s Saturday morning and we are not physically where we thought we would be. I can’t tell you where we are, but we are well and alive and together as a family. Sometimes it’s important to be off the grid. Just know that your local litter-picking pediatrician continues to live a sustainable life and living my truth. I drank match green tea soy latte and walked along a beautiful part of nature with Mr. Plastic Picker. We walked hand in hand, sipping our matcha green tea soy latte, and talked about the world, our family and our love.
I also made some big decisions about my own life and leadership journey, and it was the earth that guided me. I am so gloriously happy and know I am on the right path, that I smiled and laughed with joy. A patient on Friday said, “Dr. Plastic Picker! You are glowing today. Something is different. Is it your hair?” It was not my hair, although I have switched over to a vegan hair dye. It was a decision I made about my leadership journey that felt so right, that I knew it was meant to be. Much like the moment I saw Mr. Plastic Picker is the basement at one of our college dorms doing laundry when I was a sophomore. He was a junior. I saw him and I thought to myself, “that is the father of my children.” And that is the truth. We married 5-6 years later as medical students.
But let’s get back to business, the business of addressing the plastic pollution crisis!!! I’m continuing to pick up plastic and this month I picked up 13 bags and am at #643 lifetime total https://drplasticpicker.com/plastic-picking-round-up/. 13 bags is considerably less than my peak which was at almost 50 bags. But it’s about the journey and I’m continuing on this journey to #1000 bags. So here are the totals for February 2022 Plastic Picking!!!
February 2022 I picked up 13 bags and salvaged 34 items. Lifetime total is now #643 bags and #1887 items salvaged from the landfills and placed back into human consumption circulation.
Object | Total | Fate |
Aluminum Cans | 19 | Recycled |
Plastic Bottles | 7 | Recycled |
Furniture | 1 | Reusing! |
Plant Pots | 4 | Reusing in Our Garden |
Glass Containers | 2 | Recycled |
Hats | 1 | Donated to Pregnant Friend |
Now onto March plastic picking! Onto new leadership positions. Onto the beautiful world of serendipity. Let the earth guide you dear readers, and you’ll end up in a place of growth and joy and love.
Click here to see my running lifetime totals! https://drplasticpicker.com/plastic-picking-round-up/