Electric Scooter Companies: Please pick up your scooters, sincerely drplasticpicker. – Dr. Plastic Picker

Electric Scooter Companies: Please pick up your scooters, sincerely drplasticpicker.

| Posted in Product Reviews

November 19, 2019

by drplasticpicker

Somethings are too big for me to pick up. Broken surfboards, shopping carts, broken tents that have their polyester fabric doors agape. I am sure there is a story to each one of those items. These I leave because I simply can’t carry them with only the photos I have snapped. I concentrate on the smaller pieces that fit in my grocery bags.

Broken surfboard I saw in September 2019. I did not pick it up but I did pikc up the small pieces of plastic toward the right of the photo. Photo credit by drplasticpicker.

I have not yet seen an electric scooter in the ocean, but I have seen them littered at the end of the steps and downsloping walkways that lead to the beach. Technically writing to the electric scooter companies is not plastic picking. In general, I support any form of electric transportation – but I think these electric scooters are such an eyesore and create a milleau of carelessness that effects how people take care of the rest of the beach.

Two electric scooters on the beach on November 19, 2019 at about 730am. Photo credit by drplasticpicker.

I have even seen electric scooters pretty close to the water. This morning, there were three. the two above and this one below.

Another electric scooter on the beach on November 19, 2019 at about 730am. Photo credit by drplasticpicker.

Dear Electric Scooter Company

My name is XXX and I am a resident of the XXX community in XXX, California. I am a long time resident of this community and I enjoy walking along the beach most mornings. I am also a pediatrician and for a fun hobby, I pick up ocean plastic to try to save our marine life from ocean plastic pollution. In general, I support electric transportation as it is better for the environment. I have been concerned about the electric scooters I see on the beach most mornings. I was just wondering what your policy was for making sure they get picked up, and also if your company does beach cleanings or helps the ocean environment. Every morning when I see those scooters scattered on the beach (and sometimes very close to the water), I think it creates a milleau of carelessness and encourages people to also litter. I often find many many many pieces of plastic around the area that the scooters are. Obviously, there is no way I know if its those that are using the scooters. In general, as a resident I am supportive of electric scooters as long as the riders are using helmets and riding safely. But I am wondering about your pick up policy, and also if your company helps the ocean by doing your own beach cleanups or donations – as I think all coastal businesses do cause some plastic pollution. I actually have a blog at www.drplasticpicker.com where I blog about my adventures. Please feel free to check it out. Thank you so much.

Sincerely yours, drplasticpicker (my real name)

I will let you know what they say!

I reached out to 3 people.

  1. Micah Toll is a personal electric vehicle enthusiast, battery nerd and author of the Amazon #1 bestselling books on ebooks. Written some articles online about ebikes.
  2. WHEELS Electric Bike Company Website: sent the message via their company website.
  3. San Diego Union Tribune: I wrote the following person from the local paper. She has written the most recent story of escooters. brittany.meiling@sduniontribune.com

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