Doing Well Thank You Very Much. Doing Very Well. – Dr. Plastic Picker

Doing Well Thank You Very Much. Doing Very Well.

| Posted in Climate Advocacy (AAP/Climate Reality/ClimateHealthNOW), Trash Art

My trashart last night after finding out I did not get moved to the next round of the regional position. Happy and eyes wide open.

August 27, 2021

by drplasticpicker

In times of great emotion or confusion or happiness, I make trashart. I know it’s weird but it’s true. Last night I made this from bits and pieces of plastic from our lives. The bottle caps are from the two Izzy bottles our kids drank during our San Francisco vacation. The winecorks are from @donttrashmissionbeach famous litter picker fame. I’m almost through all the bits and pieces she dropped off at our house. Most I recycled or had to go into the garbage. I saved most of the winecorks. And most of the “head” of this trashart piece is from the packaging from the new headphones Mr. Plastic Picker purchased for me. Most the packaging was cardboard and recyclable but not the handle part.

I think my trashart little person is happy, but eyes are wide and looking at the world. I applied for the regional position for Physician Leadership Development. I had no idea really what the position entails other than what was listed in the job description. I received a very heart warming and encouraging reply from a high-up regional person, on the quality and passion of my application and accomplishments in the HMO thus far. There were many applications and I’m really low on the middle management, not to mention upper management, totem pole – but I accomplished what I set out to accomplish, I took a risk at the only upper management position that seemed worthwhile and I took a risk. I told them my climate story and my story, and the reply was truly truly heart-warming and gratifying. I did intend to further my career with that application, but even not getting this position – I have futhered my career by making more honest connections with visionary leaders in upper management. My mind is quiet and my spirit is at peace with the outcome of this chapter in my journey.

So here I am , still here and Assistant Boss. The earth wants me to stay right where I am, and I am happy with that! It’s probably for the best because I think the position required a bit of travel and our kids are still in that tenuous teenage years. They are doing very well in school and have settled into their activities. But they still need Mr. Plastic Picker and I to witness their lives. Volleyball. Cross country, Piano. Girl Scouts. Hopefully all the other things that come with high school soon – school dances, birthday parties, scholastic competitions – whenever COVID is over.

This first week back after vacation was filled with many earth-wins. Also really work accomplishments, since I’ve dived into vaccine work. It’s funny that I actually enjoy my new vaccine role, despite it being thrust upon me and not freely chosen. I make due with what I’m given, just like my trash art. Being well means finding happiness wherever one is at that moment. Mr. Plastic Picker is the wiser one in our marriage, he always maintains that happiness is internal. I must have it from within and not seek external praise. I must praise myself. And here since this blog is essentially my journey is where I do it.

Our panel discussion with Children At Risk regarding our journal article went live, and was picked up by Univision, Telemundo and a local Texas ABC station I’ve posted it on our facebook group. I had two successful practice runs on a big HPV vaccine presentation and a cliamte presentation that I am giving locally in San Diego. The lecture to our HMO residents went well. I actually didn’t even give a lecture. We just talked and I tried to inspire them, which is my goal these days for the world. And I worked on the AAP National Conference and Exhibit abstract for a poster we are presenting, with one of our premed students.

And the best thing this week was yesterday. This is the part of this journey that makes me the happiest. Because this is all about the next generation. Empowering them to use their voices for their generation and the earth. Both or our premed interns who are applying this year have interview offers at UCLA School of Medicine. If you know anything about the premedical process, this is huge. It was a group effort, but most of it was them and me. I believe in them. I helped mentor them in their applications, but more importantly in their development as future physicians. They’ve been doing real climate work and are being recognized for it now.

Our wonderful interns. Knocking it out of the park with their applications.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the right path. The wonderfully worded rejection from the regional position (despite the enouraging message and the offers to stay connected) did make me pause. But when I think about my students and the real work they and I am doing to heal the earth, I know I’m on the right path.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Other than trying to get through a full Friday clinic, I’m going to finish my taxes and refinish those chairs finally. yes and clean the house and the beach. Signing off – your own litter-picking pediatrician! Dr. Plastic Picker!!!!

Maybe my trashart scared the regional people off? But they are so cute!!! I’m a trash artists. Take it or leave it! LOL.

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