DO, Talk talk talk, DO, Talk talk talk – My Climate Activist Life. waddle waddle waddle

April 7, 2021
by drplasticpicker
Wow. I’m proud of myself this morning. Do I start a lot of blogpost this way? My parents were big believers of positive reinforcement and always praised us children growing up. We are generally self-directed and self-modulated and humble people (are you snickering??? LOL), so I think it worked. I am proud of myself this morning, because I made a lot of headway on the article for the Journal of Applied Research in Children. I had doubts last night, especially when I realized I completely missed my first meeting as part of the HMO green team. I was running late with patients. I had it on my iPhone calender but not my paper calender. I’m still a paper calendar type of person. But with the saddness of realizing I completely missed that meeting, I think I overcompensated by really dialing down and getting through the writing for the journal article which is honestly right now more important. The deadline is looming and we have an author meeting tomorrow morning.
The journal article I categorize as a DO. Something concrete that I am doing for the environment that I can see and touch and I know will have an impact on climate change and health. Talk talk talk is the talking I am invited to do. I don’t mind talking. But honestly I’m not sure if it has an impact? I’ve spoken at so many things that I’m kind of sick of hearing my own voice. The last few opportunities I asked others if they wanted to come speak, but honestly people want to hear from Dr. Plastic Picker and I’m Dr. Plastic Picker. I don’t mind. I know it does have an impact but I still think of it as talk talk talk. I’d rather DO DO DO. Check out my events page to see how much I am talking this month. It’s insane. I couldn’t turn those things down because they all have the ability to help recruit more activists. I wish more people would like to talk talk talk.
That is it. Just proud that a big DO was done. Getting a good start on a draft of this article is huge. Also getting Dr. Anne Marie Birkbeck-Garcia appointed to the Air Pollution Control District Board was a huge DO. Did you see the press release from the Environmental Health Coalition? The great thing are the DO that is Dr. ABG is that she will go on to DO things herself. She is very motivated and self-directed. But I have to talk talk talk.
Here is a American Coot I saw with super interesting webbed feet at Rohr Park last weekend. It’s a very common water-fowl and kind of interesting. I kind of feel with the American Coot.
Talk talk talk. waddle waddle waddle. Talk talk talk. waddle waddle waddle
Signing off your irreverennt litter-picking local pediatrician.