Are you an MD? Recommended Impactful Things You Can Do This Weekend. – Dr. Plastic Picker

Are you an MD? Recommended Impactful Things You Can Do This Weekend.

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Beautiful drip irrigation gardening project by one of our eco-conscious pediatricians! Activism comes in all forms, and Dr. Plastic Picker is a big proponent of incorporating personal actions at home with more global actions! Bravo to this pediatrician who will be featured soon in an upcoming blog interview! Composting garden, hydroponics project planned – we are so excited to follow along!

September 25, 2020

by drplasticpicker

Well. I spent an hour composing this following email to our American Academy of Pediatrics CA3 Climate Change and Health Committee. Might as well cut and paste it and put it on this blog! All the items are so important, and as an MD most of them you literally just lend your name and can make a huge difference now. Isn’t that crazy? Most online petitions are not as impactful as these that I vette and pass on to our commitee members. Feel free to read and sign the petitions. If you would officially like to join our committee and are a pediatrician, comment below or email me at and I will reply with my real account. But you can sign the following even if you are not an AAP member but you have to be a doctor or health care provider.

Hello AAP-CA3 Climate Change and Health Committee,

Wanted to welcome three new members to our real organic eco-activist medical community!  We are now 24 members strong, 20 pediatricians and 4 volunteer interns (mostly premed but one mechanical engineer).  Welcome to Drs. T.C. (pediatric dermatology) and M.J. (neonatology).  Also S.S. joins us as a volunteer intern to lend us IT support.  Thank you S!  Our co-chair Sally will be back hiking from the Sierras soon and we will convene our next virtual meeting, and send updates on all the other wonderful things the committee has been up to (science fair green ribbon award, children’s arts council, and pediatric vegan/plantbased/flexitarian journal club with local experts).  Just to give you four impactful things you can do this weekend.  As most of you know I pick up trash and blog as drplasticpicker, and I’ve picked up my 300th bag this week.  But I’ve learned that as a physician, doing simple clicking on the right petitions is probably even more impactful for the environment.  I try to keep things focused for all of us and impactful, and weed out the noise and not waste anyone’s time.  So here is some information I’ve collated from all the climate organizations that want to partner with us (really YOU).  All the letters you high yield easy and not looking to just put you on an email list. I also included a rain barrel information that our family participated in a few years ago, and I’ve always endorsed personal action and global action go hand in hand in climate change!  
Thank you everyone!  Please feel free to reach out if there are any particular projects you want to tackle through AAP or any ongoing efforts you want to join in on.  Always grateful to have your partnership in advocating for kids and the environment!!!!
Dr. PP

Four Impactful Actions for MDs This Weekend

COSIGN AS INDIVIDUAL MD. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION LETTER URGING STRONGER OZONE PROTECTIONS.  (Effort Easy, Impact Likely).This letter is supported bt the AAP Legislative Branch, and already the individual chapter climate advocates have already signed. It’s interesting the American Lung Association is very strategic but impactful.  They don’t get into oil and gas setbacks, but when they use their voice – usually things get done.  This is what I’ve learned talking to other climate advocates.  So you can cosign this letter and it is impactful.  Form the ALA “Please sign this health professionals’ letter urging strong limits on ozone pollution.  EPA needs to hear from health experts that maintaining current, inadequate standard does not sufficiently protect health, and failing to strengthen these limits will result in preventable harm to patients and communities.”Action Alerts and Petitions
COSIGN OPEN LETTER RE CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH: ANY CURRENT OR FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL (Effort Easy, Impact Public Opinion): Click and Sign. Looking for 16000 signatures. Non-partisan. This is sponsored by Health Care Without Harm, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, Nurses Climate Challenge, Medical Societies Consortium for Climate and Health, Medical Students for a Sustainable Future, the American Medical Student Association, and Physicians for Social Responsibility.
The world certainly feels very heavy right now as we contend with the colliding crises of climate change-driven weather-related disasters, racial injustice, and COVID.

Our voices as health professionals carry more weight now than ever before. Our patients trust that we advocate for their health. The systemic and existential threats we all face from climate change far exceed the capacity of the care we can provide in our offices and hospitals. 

It is in that spirit that we have written a letter from America’s current and future doctors and nurses to our patients about the threat that climate change poses to their health and the urgent need to call on leaders to protect our climate and our health. The letter is non-partisan and does not support particular candidates.

Any physician, physician assistant, nurse, or medical or nursing student in the United States may sign. Our goal is to reach at least 11,000 signatures by October 4th, 2020, at which point we will share the letter with the media. Please note that the letter is embargoed until early to mid October (exact date TBD).

The climate crisis is creating a health emergency. Our patients and communities must hear from us. Please sign this letter and forward it widely.
Many of us are also part of loose coalition called San Diego Pediatricians for Clean Air (SDPCA).  We even have a mission statement and logo!  We helped cosponsor this petition. Thank you to everyone who participated in the montage video supporting this effort (Sabrina Perrino, Sara Valladolid, Naomi Lawrence-Reid, Vivian Nguyen).  When they publish the video, I’ll let you know!  They are also asking for individual signatures.  Mothers Out Front San Diego “we are asking our allies to share this petition. Can you share out with your network and encourage your members to sign as well? Here is the link: Sign our petition to the APCD! | Mothers out Front
Sign our petition to the APCD! | Mothers out FrontThe American Lung Association has ranked San Diego as the sixth worst city in air quality in the country. Low-in…

RAIN BARRELS (Effort Moderate, Impact Local and Tangible). CATCH THAT RAIN! ☔️ Prepare for the rainy season by ordering a rain barrel! Current special savings are available for San Diego residents who order online. Pick up events will be held in El Cajon, Valley Center and during posted business hours at Solana Center. ⁣
Save money and protect our waterways by ordering your rain barrel today. To see a breakdown of the discounts and to purchase visit our site

Our rainbarrels that we got the rebate on! $25 with rebate! Usually much much much more expensive. Ca ching ca ching!

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