AAP-CA3 Climate Change and Health/ SDPCA April 2021 Updates – Dr. Plastic Picker

AAP-CA3 Climate Change and Health/ SDPCA April 2021 Updates

| Posted in Climate Advocacy (AAP/Climate Reality/ClimateHealthNOW), Uncategorized

It’s Sally and Vi and we wanted to send you April 2021 Updates! We are trying a new format so let us know what you think! We’ve been busy at our two overlapping groups, just wanted to let everyone know what we’ve all been up to and remind everyone that we’ll have our q2month meeting May via Zoom! Let us know if there are any projects you want to tackle together. We’d love if anyone wants to write something for the AAP-CA3 blog on behalf of our committee as well. We’d like to increase our web presence. This is just highlights.   Rewild Mission Bay Cyrstal Doan Stephens MD our member from San Diego Family Care sent this important event for anyone who is interested in Rewilding efforts in Mission May. “Please join us on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 7 pm for “How Mission Bay Can Protect San Diego from Sea Level Rise .” This event is a free Zoom webinar hosted by STAY COOL for Grandkids. Andrew Meyer, Director of Conservation for the San Diego Audubon Society, will be our guest speaker in April and has updates to share about the significant Rewild endeavor to restore wetlands in Mission Bay. This effort has the potential to be one of the largest, most visible projects anywhere to protect a city from sea-level flooding.” https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-mission-bay-can-protect-san-diego-from-sea-level-rise-tickets-147184892977 It also brings up the important question whether we are a group want to support and join their coalition. Will discuss at the May meeting and hoping Crystal can present.      

San Diego Science Fair!!!
1st Ever Green Ribbons Awarded! AAP-CA3 Climate Change and Health Committee led by Dr. Patty Pascual announced the award winners of the 2021 Greater Sand Diego Science and Engineering Fair! From Patty, “The science fair took place virtually on 3/16/21; the top students were interviewed, and 3 projects were chosen out of 200+ science fair submissions. The top students will be given a monetary award, a green ribbon and certificate, AAP memorabilia, succulent & planter, and their names will be engraved on a plaque for the AAP-CA3 office. Thanks to Meredith Kennedy, director of AAP-CA3, for her support, Vi Nguyen & Jim Moseman for their guidance. Thank you to intern Ashley Teo for assisting in vetting abstracts, and to the judging committee, Drs. Cindy Fujii, Anne-Marie Birkbeck-Garcia, Larry Ashbacher, and Joe McQuaide, for all of their hard work.
1st place: Kyle Tianshi, 9th grade, NEREID: Nanoparticle Examining Raspberry Pi Empowered Image Processing Detector
2nd place: Ayush Agrawal, 11th grade, Detecting Arsenic Contamination in Asia Using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning practical and implementable for environmental contamination monitoring.
Honorable mention:  Zachary Eiseman, 8th grade, Effectively Reducing Electromagnetic Radiation From Technology the internet connection speed. Therefore these coverings did the best at limiting the radiation being emitted.

Less Litter More Health Litter Picking Event! Please consider participating in this FREE virtual event sponsored by Sustainable Pharmacy Project at Virginia Commonwealth University. A few of us are working with these great students on shared pharmaceutical waste projects. “The SPP team is elated to announce our upcoming litter picking competition, Less Litter More Health. With the support of VCCA, we have some great incentives to get you out in your community right around earth day. Please sign up via our interest form here or by clicking the hyperlinked image below. Be sure to read about how to participate in the event, as well as the great prizes from local businesses here in Virginia. Invite your family and friends and get outside to enjoy the beautiful spring weather!”  
Dr. Anne Maire Birkbeck Garcia Public Health Member on Air Pollution Control Board
This was probably the biggest development for our group.  Our organizational efforts and lobbying (many thanks to Sabrina Perrino and Dan Spencer and ABG of course) got it done.  I’ve posted this all over the blogsphere but in case you missed it, here is the link to SDPCA website.  Congratulations again to Anne Marie! Well done. https://sdpediatriciansforcleanair.com/dr-birkbeck-garcia-sdpca-pediatrician-appointed-to-the-apcd-board LEGISLATIVE STUFF:
Sally and Vi worked with AAP-California Climate Change and Health Legislative group, and AAP-California signed up to support SB 467 the anti-fracking oil setbacks bill.  Several of us are working and some of you have called also, on the SDGE Franchise Agreement fight to get San Diego to sign a shorter 5-year-agreement with our not-friend-to-the-environment SDGE. Patty, Vi and Sally are attending this month the National AAP Legislative Conference, and thank Meredith and chapter leadership for the support. Lots of legislative stuff we are working on, so if this is your passion – PLEASE LET US KNOW. We need help!

Children’s Art Council is meeting this Saturday, April 10 at 11:30 to finalize the submission website and everything will hopefully live this weekend!  Email premed intern Hakim Tokhi at aapchildrensartcouncil@gmail.comGeneral Committee Meeting: Q2MONTH Climate Change & Health Meeting May 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom  

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