15-minutes of Fame: Checked That Off My Bucket List – Dr. Plastic Picker

15-minutes of Fame: Checked That Off My Bucket List

| Posted in Physician Wellness

Not bad! My mother-in-law trimmed my hair. I probably need to go somewhere to get it layered. Oh well.

August 4, 2021

by drplasticpicker

I’m pretty pleased with myself this morning. I made our local AAP newsletter, the local news outlets, and also likely it will be publicized on the HMO internal news. I played the generic pediatrician accepting the plaque for California HPV Vaccine Week. The entire process was serendipitous and fun. I stood really still in the background and smiled, and I pretended I was on a TV show. Which I kind of was. I knew my place and my role. Really it was for the politician to shine. I was happy and smiling, and shook hands. I said my piece, I think well, but in a generic way. I was the generic pediatrician and I had a great time playing that role!

On this blog, I’m irreverent and myself. I know how to compartmentalize. But it reminded me that why life is so joyous for me these days, is that I kind of just do whatever strikes my fancy and trying to tick things off my bucket list. I am also of course trying to save the earth. Because I’m generally a good person, my bucket list kind of consist of things that can help save the earth. Does that made sense? I bought a farm (or half of one). I created my own premed advising program outside of Crimson University and my students are simply stellar. (let me email them know about their mock interviews . . . DONE). I started a blog. I’m writing a book. I want to own an art studio and gallery, or at least partially own it. I’m in the thinking stages right now. I helped create (with a patient, my sister and a high school friend) reusable tote bags and gave away 500 hundred! LOL. That was the best. I may need to order them. Started a non-profit. Wrote a medical journal article. And honestly the blogging and the writing have been the best. I’m going to write a short blog post for our AAP newsletter soon, and I’m happy about that.

There are muffins in the oven right now. I’m giving my third lecture to the HMO family practice residents since becoming Dr. Plastic Picker. Every year I kind of do it different. Last year we talked environment and obesity. We sat outside and we were masked. This year, I think we’ll walk around and go visit Dr. Rene Garcia – who is a former grad who works in another part of the building. I always make them vegan banana walnut muffins though. That’s kind of my tradition these days.

Turned out perfect. Used coconut oil, Organic walnuts,
Vegan banana walnut muffins.

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