sea turtle – Dr. Plastic Picker

Tag: sea turtle

October 7, 2019

by drplasticpicker

Turtle on Oahu submitted by family member of drplasticpicker

The Sea Turtle is our Spirit Animal. Why the sea turtle? The sea turtle is a marine and terrestrial animal. It’s life cycle starts on the sandy beaches where they hatch and then crawl to the ocean, the kelp where they live their first years, the great ocean during their adult lives, and back to the same beaches where they return to nest. The sea turtle is acutely vulnerable to ocean plastic, since as young sea turtles they live amongst the kelp beds and sometimes mistake bits of plastic for food. Sea turtles are also beautiful and majestic. The Sea Turtle is our spirit animal, because drplasticpicker hopes to be like the turtle – every day being consistent and persistent in our ocean plastic picking. Although the sea turtle is not a tortoise, it is related. Like the hare and the tortoise parable, the tortoise will win the race against ocean plastic debris.
