ocean plastic picking – Dr. Plastic Picker

Tag: ocean plastic picking

Beautiful tree near our house. The little birds were singing today. It was beautiful music. Photo credit by drplasticpicker.

January 1, 2020

by drplasticpicker

I included my haul from today for December 2019. Keeps my accounting easier. It’s 835AM and New Years Day. My mother-in-law is making special Korean soup that is delicious and we eat every New Years. It’s a tradition and the children look forward to it. The two tall Plastic Picker family children are sleeping, as they actually stayed up until midnight drinking bubbly apple cider which is a first. Life has given me so many new joys and opportunities for growth since I started ocean plastic picking and blogging 4 months ago, but I need to keep true to the mission – which is to get to the beach and pick up plastic and do my part.


October 19, 2019

by drplasticpicker

Beautiful piece of sea glass

I had a fitful night of sleep, racing thoughts about life and work and broken relationships. Since beginning this journey on ocean plastic picking, my sleep has been much better but life happens and sleep is a time to process things. Weekend mornings I have more time to wander along the beach, and mother nature seemed to be mirroring life. The sun was rising. The waves were fierce and powerful. Foaming waves crescendoing and crashing into its neighbor. The ocean expanding and contracting along the shore.
