Tween and teen movies – Dr. Plastic Picker

Tag: Tween and teen movies

Brownies we paired with the movie Onward. Our daughter used a new recipe with avocado. It was a different texture and was decent. It’s always fun to try new things.

May 16, 2020

by drplasticpicker

Nothing profound this morning. It’s 552AM on a Saturday, and I am grateful for my fresh cup of coffee. The Upcycled Presidential Bird House is still bringing us great joy and the birds are singing outside I’m beginning to identify the different species and their bird songs are distinct. I never realized hummingbirds have different songs. I thought they didn’t have a song since they always seen pre-COVID-19 busy franatically beating their wings. But during this quarantine I’ve seen a hummingbird rest on a tree and I have learned to identify their distinct singing.
